HomeDessert Chocolate tart with chili and orange

Chocolate tart with chili and orange

Posted in : Dessert, Sweets on by : Maya Tags: , , , ,

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We recently had Karl’s crazy choir friends (I hope they will not mind my calling them this, I really like them, but they definitely are not ordinary), and given our recent visit to Italy I planning a dinner inspired with Italian cuisine. I even bought all the ingredients for a tart with mascarpone cream. And then I read a recipe by Marta Gessler in Wysokie Obcasy and changed my plans. The tart turned out great. The chocolate and chilli with a hint of orange is just wonderful.

Just be careful not to overdose the chilli, especially if (like me) you are using the entire, dried chili’s. They look great on pictures, but in real life a very small amount would be sufficient (like half a pepper for the whole tart, finely chopped).

chocolate tart4


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