25 March, 2018
7 hour lamb
Posted in : Main Dish on by : Maya Tags: beef, herbes de Provence, lamb, onion, prociniThis French, ‘slow cooker type’ recipe brings out the unique flavor of lamb, arriving at the end of the cooking process at a piece of meat that literally falls apart. It is super simple, although takes certain planning, because it should spend in the oven minimum 7 hours, but I often do it for 12 hours, to get the meat extra soft . Also letting it cool down overnight and serving it the next day makes it even better.
- 700g of lamb, can be one or multiple pieces, as long as they have some fat
- 2 onions, chopped into large chunks
- 4 cloves garlic
- salt, pepper, herbes de Provence (or other spices you like)
- 1 table spoon frying oil
- 200 ml red wine
- Cover the meat with spices.
- Peel and chop garlic and apply it on the meat.
- Heat a pan, add the oil, and fry the meat briefly on all sides.
- Place the meat in an oven-safe pan with a lid (ideally, a cast iron one).
- Add the chopped onions.
- Pour in the wine.
- Place the pan (with the lid on) in the oven.
- Heat the oven to 110°C (yes I know, this is very low)
- Let it stay there from 7 to 12 hours. If you plan on leaving it there for 12 hours, you can decrease the temperature to 90°C for the first 7 hours.
- Every 3 hours or so you can open the lid and turn the meat around.
- The meat is done when it falls apart.
- Ideally, place it in the fridge overnight and heat it up just before serving the next day.
- Serve it with mashed potatoes or gnocci or something that will absorb the wonderful sauce the meat will be in.
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